Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Weekly Stills Collection

1. Emmett turned 4.
2. The farm cake.
3. Max enjoyed the cake more than the birthday boy himself.
4. Summer is here, it's very dry up the back of our place.
5. Hello Brittany!
6. Max wishes he could crack that whip.
7. The cleanest the car has been in a while.
~ We had a very busy week preparing for our trip to Queensland. Our big boy had his birthday, he has grown up so much in the last few months it's scary! I have him home for one more year before he starts school, that time being very precious to me as I now know how quickly they grow when they start school! ~
Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


~ Leah conquered the fence this week, balancing along it right to the next gate. ~

~ Australia Day tatoos just had to find they're way to someone's forehead...~
~ Our big boy turned 4 this week, waiting for his birthday cake is a serious affair.~
~ Max has been so cheeky this week, we all spend a lot of time laughing at his antics.~
"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

Monday, 27 January 2014

Week 4 ~ #My Family and Me

~ I captured these guys walking back from the paddock on Friday afternoon when I arrived home from work. The kids were helping Daddy chip burrs, lucky them I say! ~
 Joining in with Claire for #My Family and Me

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Weekly Stills Collection


~ This week has been very low key, with not much activity or photo taking going on. It
's been over 40 degrees for 5 days in a row, the cool change today is just bliss.
We spent a bit of time outside early in the mornings and in the evenings, and during the day we stayed inside watching movies, playing farms and monopoly.~
1. I set up a little yarn corner with a chest of drawers that wasn't needed anymore.
2. My cotton arrived on Tuesday from Bendigo.
3. I started a little sunhat for my niece's birthday, (photo complete with my green nail polish that my husband says makes my feet look like lizard feet)
4. & 5. Early morning sandplay.
Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack


~ Leah's cake selection made exclusively for me ~
~All smiles having an iceblock out on the deck ~
~ Emmett's selection of sandpit pies ~
~ The simple delights of collecting rocks in the backyard ~
"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"
It's been a scorcher this week, and everything, including taking photos, has been an effort! After 40-43 degree heat for the last 5 days, I'm hanging out for a cooler change this coming week. :)

Monday, 13 January 2014

Weekly Stills Collection

~ We had cousins come to stay for 3 nights, and enjoyed the last week of having hubby at home on holidays, back to the real world next week. ~
1. The afternoon holiday iceblock ritual, not sure what the deal is with sitting in a row.
2. Quiet time on the lounge.
3. Our big turned 8 this week and picked the rabbit cake.
4. Fun in the shell pool.
5. Love the little bird birthday card.
6 & 7. I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with my ripple blanket! I haven't been working on anything else for the last few weeks and it's paying off.
 Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Week 2 ~ #my family and me

We celebrated our big girl's 8th birthday on the weekend. As always I uttered the words 'where did that time go?' more than once! She chose the bugs bunny cake and we had the usual family party with grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins.
And a family picture wouldn't be complete without someone pulling a face! (Thanks Milly!)

Joining in with Claire


~Our big girl turned 8 this week~ 
 ~Milly, loves to have time to play in solitude~
~Emmett's best cheesy grin~
 ~A current favourite game~
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014"
 Joining in with Jodi

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Weekly Stills ~ A Weekend Away

This year one of my goals is to learn how to better use my camera and make memory keeping a priority. So I've decided to join in with the Weekly Stills Collection over at The Beetleshack. I'm also treating this project as a weekly gratitude practise, a must in my crazy life!

1. Sorting out the yabbies.
2. Playing under the mushroom fountain at the water park.
3&4. I love the agapanthas at Dad's place.

~We had a night away at Dad's place on the weekend for a night, catching up with the family and treating ourselves to a movie. Chris and I went out for Lunch followed by The Hobbit on the the big screen, and we took the kids to the water park and Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 on Sunday. As always the kids had a ball catching up with their cousins.~

Joining in with Emily for the first time. xx

Monday, 6 January 2014

Week 1 ~ #myfamilyandme

When I stumbled across Claire's blog last week and found her post on a photo challenge involving family photos I couldn't resist. I'm already on the photo taking band wagon this year so why not? Photos involving myself and my hubs are few and far between. So my plan is to try and take a photo of us together, us and the kids, or one of us with the kids at least once a month. Even though I don't like looking at myself in photos, I'm sure I'll be glad I did this one day.  Here goes...

~ Sunday morning at the water park with my sister, brother and sister in law and their kids~ 
Joining in with Claire for #myfamilyandme

Sunday, 5 January 2014



~Ever the poser, playing on the haybales at Pop's.~

~ Yep, the water's coming from up there any minute!~

~ Helping Pop sort out the yabbies to eat.~

~ Not sure about riding the four wheeler with Daddy ~
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013"
I'm so excited to be starting this project, I started it last year but didn't keep up with it. This year I'm making my memory keeping and creative efforts a priority as I've really missed it. Not that I haven't been doing anything crafty, just not as much as I'd like!  I'm also hoping to learn more about shooting manually with this camera of mine.