Monday, 31 March 2014


Max~watching the others kicking the ball around, waiting to run in for a kick. He's 1 going on 5 this boy.~
Emmett ~ he's been full of beans this last week, showing us all his handstands and tricks.

Milly ~ playing her dog game on the ipad. She's obsessed with all the things canine at the moment.
Leah ~ equal parts concentration and frustration. I started teaching her to crochet this week, and so far we're up to the foundation chain. Baby steps.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014"
~I think I'm a bit in awe of the fact I have kept up with this project so far. It's hard to believe 13 weeks have passed, and we're counting down to the school holidays. Of all my children, I'm noticing so much how my big girl is changing, making me feel so nostalgic and wanting to freeze time for a while.~

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Dear Baby

To my baby that wasn't meant to be...
I will never know your face
I will never hold your hand
I will never wipe your tears
You will never call me mum.
I will never know the colour of your hair.
I will never smell your sweet baby breath
I will never wrap you in that blanket.
I will never bring you home.
But you will forever be in my heart.
{On the 17th December 2013 I went for my 13 week scan for my fifth pregnancy, and was told there was no heartbeat, my baby had died at around 11 1/2 weeks. I was in absolute shock, I hadn't had any sign that I was miscarrying, or that anything was wrong.  In disbelief, I rang my husband who was away working. He came home a few hours later, and we sat in shock for the afternoon until the girls arrived home from school and the boys home from daycare.
The next day I had a d&c and I cried for the next week. The hardest part was having to tell our children the sad news, when we had only told them a few days earlier that they were going to have a new brother or sister to love.
It's been a long road to now, but I have had some closure in the last few weeks after learning that I had a partial molar pregnancy, which was the cause of my missed miscarriage. Knowing why has strangely helped me to break through that wall of grief, and understand why my body has been behaving this way.
It's now the waiting to try again that is hard. I'm waiting for my body to recover, but my heart longs for a baby. And I am the most impatient person ever! It seems there are new babies and pregnant mums everywhere, and I want so much to be where they are. Being creative is a great outlet for me at the moment, I just can't help bookmarking baby things to knit and sew! All in good time I guess...}
I'd love to hear from anyone who has been in this situation, it's always good to know you're not alone, and to learn from others' experiences. Happy weekending :)
Kelly x   

Monday, 24 March 2014

Weekly Stills Collection

1. I gave my sister this candle for her birthday on the weekend.
2. I finished the knitted cowl for my sister to go with the candle, although I photographed the finished product on myself.
3. Trevor and Kevin
4. Max playing in the dirt, he's such an outside kid.
5. Leah's room. She's in a room by herself now after I changed the rooms around. Again. She picked out this doona cover for her new room.
6. He loves to try on everyone else's shoes.
7. My package from Jodi's Autumn Yarn Club over at Jellywares.
8. Emmett's ripple blanket, finally finished after starting it almost a year ago.
~ It's been pretty full on the last couple of weeks with Chris away for 2 weeks in a row. It's hard to remember what we got up to but clearly I had time to knit and crochet! Stress release I say. It was pretty exciting to finally finish the ripple blanket, and now I get to choose a couple of new projects to start :) ~

11/52 + 12/52

Milly ~ "This will be a good photo Mum!"
Emmett ~ we never got to the actual cause of the sad face, but it's a classic.
Leah ~ wasn't up to having her face photographed this week.
Max ~ helping Dad in the garden. He absolutely loves a ride in the wheelbarrow, full of dirt or otherwise.
Leah~ basking in the late afternoon light in one of her favourite spots.
Milly ~ sitting in her 'bed' that she made for herself. The 3 older kids made a 'base' in the middle of the driveway circle where they played happily together for a long while on Sunday afternoon.
Emmett ~ deep in thought, wrapped in his new blanket that I finally finished for him.
Max ~ playing in the dirt and picking his nose, in his element.
" A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity

Monday, 10 March 2014

Weekly Stills Collection

~This last week went by so fast I can hardly remember how I filled my days. Chris and I went to a wedding on Friday a couple of hours drive from home, so we were able to have a night off and enjoy ourselves. Other than that, it was a fly by the seat of my pants kind of week with a few moments of pause. If anything this weekly exercise forces me to slow down and be in the moment, even if it's only for a few minutes at a time. Inhale, exhale, click.~
1. Leah's latest craze after school
2. Fixing Mr Potato Head, aka 'Tatie'
3. My current dining table arrangement
4. With love from my big girl, courtesy of Nanny Goat's garden
5.Sunday baking
Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Leah ~ deep in concentration playing the ipad
Max ~ making faces and cheeky as ever
Emmett ~ hanging out Dad and Kevin the border collie
Milly ~ loves climbing this claret ash tree in the yard
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"

Monday, 3 March 2014

Weekly Stills Collection ~ week 9

~Where did that week go? Chris was away for 3 nights and the busyness swallowed me up.  I spent most of the week just getting through each day and then a big deep breath on Saturday when we had no place to be and nothing in particular to do. I have been enjoying the subtle change in the air though, hinting that autumn is here and bon fire season is just around the corner.  ~
1. Collecting rice wheels off the trampoline that were tipped out that morning. Find food, will eat.
2. The ducks enjoying a wander out of their pen.
3. I just love this rusty old gate, salvaged from the farm.
4. Loving my 'birkos'
5. Saturday grey skies
6. I'm working on an infinity scarf for my sister's birthday.
7. A recent purchase, reminding me to take a breath.
Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack


Leah ~ she does her own hair on the weekends and always leaves a crumb on her face. I'm amazed how grown up my girl she is, all of a sudden it seems.
Milly ~ weekend craft
Emmett ~ in the ute, ready to go to out to the farm, one of his favourite things to do
Max ~ he just won't leave that hole in the trampoline net alone
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"