Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Milly ~ shot in secret while doing her reading after school. She has decided recently she does not wish to pose for any kind of photo!
Leah ~ making a pulley with a rope and a stick in the tree
Max ~ 'helping' Dad. He was pretty fond of the tape measure
Emmett ~ watching his sisters riding their bikes across the paddock.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014"

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Bike riding on a Saturday afternoon. They spent a couple of hours playing outside together, which almost always results in them experimenting with something...
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity

Monday, 14 July 2014


Leah ~ Having a go at winding a skein of wool.

The boys ~ one of their favourite things to do when we visit Pop
Milly ~ pulling silly faces while she waited to go to the movies. She was excited to finally wear her 'doggie jumper' that she chose for herself.
"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Weekly Stills ~ Winter Holidays

~One week of school holidays down, one to go. The weather's been pretty bleak here, with clear sunny days peppered between lots of cold, wet foggy and cloudy days. It is winter after all.
Despite the weather, the kids have been spending a lot of time riding their bikes around the driveway, Max even joins in with his scooter.
The girls had been asking to do some craft, so I pulled out the embroidery hoops and taught them them how to do back stitch and now they're hooked on stitcheries! I had tryed to teach them to knit the weeek before, Milly found it too hard, but Leah picked it up fairly easily, a lot easier than crochet anyway. I just have to help her control the yarn while she manouvres the needles. I'm glad they both have a little crafty hobby of their own now that they enjoy, that doesn't involve glue and the entire craft box.
Carting wood seems to occupy a lot of Chris's time lately, but he must like it because I went out the back to find him, just in time to see a tree falling down that he had just cut. Apparently it had to be done right then and there, at that moment, even though it was nearly dark.
I've been doing more knitting than anything else lately, finishing some projects and starting new ones. I can't help but have a few projects on the go all the time! I've been thinking about christmas presents and motivating myself to start making gifts now to avoid extra stress in December. Sounds early, but starting in September last year wasn't early enough! I've done our family christmas present draw for my siblings and all our children and partners, I'm planning on making a lot more gifts this year. I think I'll get started after school holidays...~

1. The wood pile
2.& 3. Leah and Milly working on their stitchery
4. Emmett's gumboots
5. Rosemary in my newly planted little herb garden in an old wheelbarrow
6. Cutting up the fallen tree
7. Milly's 'caravan'
8. I finished the Boat neck Sweater

Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack

Monday, 7 July 2014


Max ~ he found one of his sister's necklaces and sat here by the window playing with it in secret.
Milly ~ learning hand embroidery
Leah ~ working on her stitchery while watching tv. Like mother, like daughter...

Emmett ~ movie day. He was very comfy laying like this, kicking his sister very gently  every so often. Watching a movie is not complete without annoying somebody!
"A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2014"
We're one week into the school holidays here, and it's been nice to have a break from the school routine and the lunchboxes. Amid all the fights and sibling rivalry and dreary weather, there's been moments of fun and family bonding time.