Thursday, 21 August 2014


~The girls played a game together in the sandpit, Max alongside them doing his own thing. Emmett was being a rascal and  stirring them all up.~
Emmett ~ You can't get a photo of me Mum
Milly ~ you can't get one of me either!
Max ~ Surveying the ground for flowers to pick
Leah ~ after a little while, she snuck inside on her own to watch tv
~ Pictures from a Friday afternoon, Chris was fencing and the kids and I just did whatever we felt like.~
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity, but not linking up this week because I'm running sooooo late.

Sunday, 17 August 2014


Lately we've been spending most of our time either at home or at the farm. The cold weather is still hanging around and Chris has been kept busy carting wood for the fire. It's never ending, and we seem to go through a lot!
Chris has been working on the boundary fence with our neigbour for the last month. They've almost finished, and the front section across the front paddock, closest to the road, is almost done too. The kids have had a lot of fun playing in a pine tree across the road while Chris works on the fence. Lucky it's a quiet road.
Lately Milly will not let me take pictures of her. She runs away and it's become a bit of a game with me hiding and trying to snap a picture when she's not looking. Cheeky thing.
Lately Emmett has been pretty cheeky too, testing the waters a lot actually. I think he's going tobe ready for school next year after all, I did have my doubts a few months ago but he has really grown in that time. He's become more active than ever and gets bored so easily. He's loving animal games, where he pretends to be all sorts of animals, mainly aggressive growling ones!
I've been doing a lot of knitting lately, can't seem to stop. I just love seeing a project come together, and the excitement of finishing a project and choosing another. I've made a start on christmas gifts, my goal this year is to make as many presents as I can, so I'm starting early. Usually I leave it to the last minute and don't get much done and then get very frustrated with myself!
Lately the kids have been picking me lots of flowers, the orange gazanias that grow everywhere here in our yard and along the road.
Lately the days have been getting longer and you can feel that winter is almost at it's end.  Only a couple more weeks and it will be spring!

Friday, 8 August 2014

In The School Holidays

~ We stayed at home for the holidays with Chris being home the first week and away the second.
I was preparing myself for a long second week, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. Instead of trying to achieve what I normally would during a school week, I tried to do the necessities first up in the mornings, and then just do something fun with the kids. We did lots of craft and bike riding at home, went out for morning tea on one day when it was pouring rain and caught up with friends for a couple of play dates.
We ended the week with a bonfire fire night at Pop's house, and we took the 3 older children to see How To Train Your Dragon 2. It was Emmett's  first time at the movies, and he only started to fidget in the last 20 minutes of the movie. Amazingly he didn't ask to go to the toilet once during the movie!
Then as quickly as they had come, the holidays were over and it's back to routine.~
1&2. The girls helping to wind a skein of wool on my new yarn swift.
3. Finished the garter stitch mitts
4&5. Bonfire at Pop's  

Monday, 4 August 2014


Max ~ cheeky monkey
Emmett ~ played all day in the paddock where Chris was fencing, and 'helped' when he could.
Leah ~ climbing in their new find, the cubby house tree just across the road
Milly ~ she was sick all week with a tummy bug, but managed to get outside to climb in the tree on Sunday afternoon.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014"