Thursday, 30 October 2014


They call themselves 'twinnies'. They wish that they actually were.

They conjure up games in their quirky make believe ways, like riding their magic skateboards that are invisible and can do anything and take them anywhere. Especially when we're in the car and they sit in the back row together and think up things to do with their magic skateboards.
Or travelling to the land of rainbows. a magical place that only they can go, where they speaak a language only they know.

A special bond I hope will never be broken.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

39/52 + 40/52 + 41/52

Max ~ he loves to try on every pair of shoes he can find, as long as they're at least 2 sizes bigger than his own
Leah ~ The last minute photo pose.
Milly ~ She's decided she likes having her photo taken this week, and insits on cheesy grins at every opportunity
Emmett ~ our little Hawkie, a very happy little boy who's footy team won the grand final
~ Summer weather came out of nowhere on the weekend, and the kids all very much enjoyed ice blocks in the afternoon and the promise of swimming season just around the corner.
Max ~ playing with the hose, and aiming it at anyone who threatened to take it from him.
Emmett ~ watching Chris unload soil from the back of the ute into the vegie garden
Milly ~ dishwasher duty
Leah ~ homework
"A portrait of my children, once a week,every week, in 2014"
~ My goodness I'm getting slack with this project! With only 10 weeks left though I'd like to finish strong, so I'm aiming to be back on top of things this week!~
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity