Friday, 1 May 2015


Leah ~ more posing for my photography course!
Milly ~ covered in mud after playing with the hose in the dirt and the sandpit
Emmett ~ loves the new baby ducks
Max ~ when he doesn't get his way....

Thursday, 30 April 2015


Leah ~ posing, reluctantly, in the doorway of the stables for a photography exercise of mine

Milly ~ she looks up to her big sister

Emmett ~ Posing on the rail of the stables yard for another photography exercise

Max ~ a cheeky look while climbing the tree at the farm at Nan and Pa's 50th wedding anniversary

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

2/52 + 3/52

Leah, Milly, Emmett ~ all standing still and posing for me while I adjust my settings.
Max ~ he fell asleep on the lounge aftr Leah's birthday party.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015"
One of my goals last year was to learn how to use my dslr on manual, but as far as I got was aperture priority mode. With our baby due in late March, I took the plunge and I've been doing an online beginner photography course and finally made the switch to manual mode. I'm so glad I did, I'm learning so much, and enjoying my camera so much more.
We had a few days away in Canberra this week, a change of scenery was just what we all needed!
Leah ~ posing on a rock at the Canberra Dinosaur museum. I don't know what it is, she just looks different in this picture.
Milly & Emmett ~ they picked the dandelions and blew them out at the place we were staying in Canberra.
Max ~ running, always running.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"

Monday, 5 January 2015


Emmett ~ little monkey would not let me get a nice picture!
Max ~ remnants of blue nail polish from Christmas.
Leah ~ almost 9 is our big girl
Milly ~ playing 'Donkey', I think she just got the donkey card.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015"
~ I was so pleased to have finished off 2014 with some beautiful memories of my children. I've started making a book through Blurb, I can't wait to have it in my hands!~
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity