Monday 6 January 2014

Week 1 ~ #myfamilyandme

When I stumbled across Claire's blog last week and found her post on a photo challenge involving family photos I couldn't resist. I'm already on the photo taking band wagon this year so why not? Photos involving myself and my hubs are few and far between. So my plan is to try and take a photo of us together, us and the kids, or one of us with the kids at least once a month. Even though I don't like looking at myself in photos, I'm sure I'll be glad I did this one day.  Here goes...

~ Sunday morning at the water park with my sister, brother and sister in law and their kids~ 
Joining in with Claire for #myfamilyandme


  1. Excellent to have you on board the good ship #MyfamilyandMe

    I really think the effort will be well worth it in 12 months time.

    1. Thanks Claire. Im looking forward to having some decent pictures I can turn into a photobook at the end of the year, well that's the plan anyway!


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