Monday 13 January 2014

Weekly Stills Collection

~ We had cousins come to stay for 3 nights, and enjoyed the last week of having hubby at home on holidays, back to the real world next week. ~
1. The afternoon holiday iceblock ritual, not sure what the deal is with sitting in a row.
2. Quiet time on the lounge.
3. Our big turned 8 this week and picked the rabbit cake.
4. Fun in the shell pool.
5. Love the little bird birthday card.
6 & 7. I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with my ripple blanket! I haven't been working on anything else for the last few weeks and it's paying off.
 Joining in with Emily at The Beetle Shack

1 comment:

  1. I love the ripple blanket that's what got me interested in doing some crochet this year. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia


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