Monday 31 March 2014


Max~watching the others kicking the ball around, waiting to run in for a kick. He's 1 going on 5 this boy.~
Emmett ~ he's been full of beans this last week, showing us all his handstands and tricks.

Milly ~ playing her dog game on the ipad. She's obsessed with all the things canine at the moment.
Leah ~ equal parts concentration and frustration. I started teaching her to crochet this week, and so far we're up to the foundation chain. Baby steps.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014"
~I think I'm a bit in awe of the fact I have kept up with this project so far. It's hard to believe 13 weeks have passed, and we're counting down to the school holidays. Of all my children, I'm noticing so much how my big girl is changing, making me feel so nostalgic and wanting to freeze time for a while.~


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